
Local training
for global clients and partners

We work with clients and Google Cloud Partners from all over the world in both German and English, online or on-site.

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Google Workspace Training
in German or English

Since 2013 Collaboration is the core element of our strategy. We work with business partners all over the world – in multiple industries – to provide international clients with customised training and change management services on-site.

International tools trained local

Learning processes and change is done best if you get teached in your mothertong! That’s why international partners from all over the world book us for there clients to do tranings and communication as part of the international project locally.

International clients trust in us

Places and Languages

Our trainings for clients and Google Cloud Partners are not limited to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We also offer English and German training workshops in other countries, including the United States of America. Both onside or online via Google Meet.


We’ve worked for clients and partners from Austria + France + Mexico + Netherlands + Switzerland + Turkey / Türkiye + United States + United Kingdom already.

Native payment

We’re able to process payments in € / $ / £ without additional fees.

See bank accounts for native payments

As partner of partner we supported a selection of Google Cloud Partner and their clients and brands.

Our International Google Cloud partners

Let’s get in contact!

Contact us below to schedule a training workshop online or at your place of business. We are looking forward to train you!

Additional Information

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(Mustertext via Kanzlei Sieling)

Happy clients

An extension of your organisation

Working with Holger and his team from p3t is like an extension of your organisation. They understand the way we like to work and interact with our customers. Whenever there is something German… we work with Holger and this team.

Bart Zuidgeest (NextNovate)
Bart Zuidgeest

plus3trainings provided the experience and coaching

Our recent migration to Google Apps presented several challenges to our team. plus3trainings provided the experience and coaching our team needed to gain confidence and understanding.

Highly recommended

Don’t miss the chance to work with Holger if you need an experienced Google Workspace trainer. As a partner of Cloud Technology Solutions (CTS), in recent months he has been supporting our User Adoption Workshops and Trainings at Wessling, one of our German clients. Participants’ feedback showed that it was the right decision to book him to train staff in the cloud communication and collaboration tools. With nearly 10 years’ experience in the field, Holger was able not only to offer practical insights, but also support the whole project team with practical feedback and many valuable suggestions.
Highly recommended.

Durch das Training die Vorteile von Google Apps sehen

Die Praxisanteile waren sehr wertvoll. Einige Kollegen sagten danach zu mir, dass sie nun durch das Training die Vorteile von Google Apps sehen und wissen, wie sie es im Arbeitsalltag nutzen können.
(aus Success Story 2014)

testimonial picture
Martin Säckel

we all need to focus on our zone of genius

Thanks to Holger for all his help, it makes a big difference to our efficiency, and thus, we can work on more social and environmentally good projects. Thus, you contribute to sustainable futures. Really happy to promote reliable IT and security help like you offer, because we all need to focus on our zone of genius right? I will work on the environment and trust you to work on security. All the best, Lyss

Alyssa Jade McDonald-Bärtl

our point person on location

Holger is a great trainer who managed to onboard some reluctant users in a difficult situation. He was our point person on location and was able to make the project a lot smoother than it would have been.

Michael Ravier

For a chat in German/English
just ring +49 40 22869842 or
send an email to [email protected]

all contact information

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